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Carly Louise Lee

Fire extinguisher servicing and maintenance

4 steps in using a fire extinguisher.

Remember PASS (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep). These 4 steps can make a major. difference, and potentially save lives.

Fire extinguisher servicing can ensure the extinguisher works when you need it most.

Identifying and installing the right fire safety equipment is essential and necessary and is the first – and most important – step in protecting you, the people in your building and your property. But it’s not just about installation. You need to be 100% sure that the units will work correctly if and when they need to – and that means regular inspections and maintenance. You also need to make sure that the extinguishers you choose are the right type of extinguisher for your environment. We can make changes to your building and processes within your building, but it’s easy to forget that you need to check if those changes require a different kind of fire cover.

Annual Fire Extinguisher Service: What to Expect From Fire First

The fire extinguisher is inspected every year for corrosion and discharge. Other factors that may affect the unit's safety or performance include (but are not limited to)

Is the unit in visible good condition

Has it tampered with

Is it weight and pressure monitored

Is the instruction label readable

Is the safety device working correctly

Is the hose free of obstructions and working effectively

Is the extinguisher the right one for the risk and environment

Are the fire point signs visible and correct?

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